February 18th – Juste Debout School Workshop

Just a snippet of today’s workshop conducted by Larry and Laurent at the Juste Debout School. Boy I tell’ya… that Larry is something else. So smooth and polished are his moves. Love how they get everyone amped up before they get it crackin!

Step X Step Interview with Laurent – Part 4

YES!!!! The video God’s have finally blessed us with the long awaited seriously edited version of the Laurent’s interview with Step X Step.

Enjoy and stay tuned for part 5.

More Revealing Pictures of Laurent’s Tats.

Finally… a clear and collective view of Laurent’s tattoo’s. Okay, I can’t be the only person who can’t quite make out what exactly the new tattoo’s are am I? I know I see Lau’s shoes, or one of them, and possibly a big diamond (I think that’s what it is) and the hair clip that he wears that belongs to his niece. What do you guys think the rest are because I haven’t a clue. I’m sure that everything on him is sentimental in one way or another. That is the type of man that Laurent is. He holds things and people near and dear to him in high regard and he is not ashamed to show is love and admiration for those things in whichever manner he chooses. It is surely hard not to love a man like that!

Larry and Laurent for Starter.FM

HE’S ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!! I’m kidding! Just an inside joke to those of you out there who were wondering where the heck is Larry?

The guys were asked to do a brief intro for Starter.FM for which they were guests on the radio show and did take after take after take after take! LOL!!! It was hilarious to see them go back and forth and razz one another for messing up. Also, did anyone notice how Laurent always pronounces Les Twins as Less Twins? I thought it was just a flub before but I think when he’s trying to say it in English, he believes that saying Less Twins is the correct pronunciation. Hmmmm….

Anywho, stay tuned for the full video.

Les Twins For Dummmies

See, this is what happens when you get bored at 2am. You’re trying to beef up your Photoshop skills and who better to practice on than Les Twins right?

I actually think it’s kind of cute. Of course it’s pales in comparison to some of the other Photoshop edits done by other fans such as Twins-Addict and Twinsbourgeois, but I’m getting there.

They Made Me Do It… I Didn’t Want To, But I Conceded.

Alright ladies and gents; out of respect for the kind and wonderful folks over at Step X Step Dance I have removed the video as they have requested of me. Trust me, it wasn’t an easy decision for me. I kept it up as long as I could, but I figured that since they approached me civilly, I’d counter in the same manner. Please stay tuned throughout the upcoming week for the revamped Part 4 interview with Laurent. Until then, please enjoy one of my favorite Les Twins battles.

Paris Is Calling……

That’s right! The “city of love and romance” awaits you for a night of hot and sweaty dancing mixed with gut busting laughter. No, I’m not talking about a date with Laurent and Larry, but 3 glorious nights of watching their booties work to the sound of the music. Sorry fellas, don’t want to leave you out of this experience, so to simply state it, Les Twins want to see you all in Paris for the latest round of workshops.

It was announced late Friday night through the LesTwinsOnline Facebook page that Les Twins will be conducting 3 workshops in Paris this month. Each workshop is 2 1/2 hours long and all of the workshops will be conducted through the Juste Debout School where LT held their last workshop back in January.

You CANNOT register for the workshops through the LesTwinsOnline Facebook page or the LesTwinsOnline.com website. You must register through the Juste Debout School. The workshops are slated to start next Saturday, February 18th so if you’re not a Parisian or live anywhere in the vicinity, you better start making plans, checking that your passport is up to date, and making sure that you have the best dancing shoes that money can buy because Laurent and Larry are going to work your little butts off!

Click here for the contact details for the Juste Debout School

Les Twins Juste Debout School Workshop schedule as followed:

February 2012
February 18th: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
February 22nd: 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm
February 23rd: 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm

March 2012
March 5-9th: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Photo courtesy of: Twinsbourgeois Tumblr

Thing 1 and Thing 2… aka Larry et Laurent

Oh my goodness!!! This almost made me spit my drink all over my laptop!!! I’m not sure who created this picture, but I found this hil-LARRY-ous picture on the LesTwinsOnline Facebook page under the photos. How befitting is this to the outlandish and synchronous beings that Les Twins are?

In the famous tales of Dr. Suess’ children’s character The Cat in the Hat, the subject, The Cat in the Hat, is often accompanied by twin mischief-makers who spoke their own illegible language and who more times than not, got into more chaotic problems than the last, but all the while, having an uberly great time at it. Without a doubt, Larry and Laurent embody these two characters because they themselves are true characters in their own right.

From the big hair, to the indecipherable gestures that only they can translate from one to another, down to their mischievous mannerisms which can be seen in the way they salaciously taunt their opponents with their dramatic moves and overly animated facial expressions; simply stated- Larry and Laurent are Thing 1 and Thing 2 brought to life.

Okay Boys… Vacation Time Is Over!

I know that I can’t be alone in expressing how on edge I am for the next Les Twins appearance, project, workshop, video, photoshoot… anything! Laurent and Larry have been back home in Paris for a little over a month now, and as stated in my post from a few days ago, they’ve conducted A workshop, appeared at A fashion show during Fashion Week, and appeared as guest judges at the Battle Starter 2 competiton. Okay, I may be missing a few things, but these are the appearances that have been made known by LT management. And okay- that’s fine and dandy, but what’s next for the twins?

I haven’t been a fan for as long as many others have been, but when I started in the fandom back in October ’11, I was inundated with new pictures, videos, schedule updates, workshops and appearances. These boys were busy… and we (Les Fans) loved it. I don’t know, but it just seemed that way because I was new to “LaLa Land” and I was clamoring for any and everything Les Twins related, so they seemed to be everywhere at that time to me. I realize that a schedule such as theirs must be extremely grueling. I realize that they deserve a break too as hard as they work and as much as they travel. But I think a little under 2 months is time enough… don’t you?

I know that they were away from family and friends for quite some time as they traveled with Cirque Du Soleil as well as the many other things they had going on and what’s more important than family right? So them spending time with family isn’t the issue here. You can spend time with family and still maintain a constant schedule within the local area. What I’m saying is that when you have a fandom as strong as theirs is, you should try to keep the momentum going. Strike while the iron is hot! Isn’t that what the old adage says? These boys are hot right now. Of course we all know that they aren’t a household name… yet! But they have the potential and the capability to be just that and more.

All I’m really saying is it’s time to grind it on out fellas. Many of the other Criminalz Crew members are on their hustle right now. Speedylegz is doing workshops in Canada; Diabloo is doing Super Bowl appearances with Madonna; Regi is conducting workshops and coming into his own as well. We recently received updates via the LTO Twitter and Facebook pages that Les Twins are scheduled to participate in the Urban Dance Camp 2012 in Germany… IN JULY!!! So… what is going on from February to June? More down time? What are they currently doing doing? Are they babysitting? Playing golf? Cooking? What?  Les Fans are waiting boys. Time to git-r-done!!!

Laurent’s Latest Tattoos

For those of you who were wondering what Lau’s latest set of tats looked like, here they are. These are stills from an interview they gave outside of the Jean Paul Gaultier fashion show during Fashion Week. I had heard that the new tats were smoke coming from the little angel feet. I’m not sure on that one. Still trying to find clearer photos.

Battle Starter 2 Competition

This is the Battle Starter 2 competition that Les Twins’ and Abibou were guest judges at a few weeks ago. In this battle, there are two amateur teams going head to head with one girl on Team 5. I was a bit confused when I first saw the video as to why Laurent got up and had her sit to the side after the round was over. But after reading the YouTube comments, I understand. Her skills were too much for these boys. Although, the guy with the braids from Team 6 was one of the better dancers, I think it was clear that she was definitely on another level.

I, for one, would love to see this girl dance against Criminalz Crew member Laura aka Nala. I can only speak for myself when I say that Laura is just an “okay” dancer. She’s not great. Yes, I give her props for holding her own in a crew full of guys, but there are waaaaaaaay better dancers in Paris than her. Take this girl for instance. She’d be a great addition to Criminalz Crew. Hell, Sarah Bee is a awesome b-girl as well. I think this girl in the video would destroy Laura… hands down.

Step X Step Dance Sits Down With Laurent

Part 1

Before Les Twins left Las Vegas, Step X Step Dance correspondent Jacob, had an opportunity to sit down and pick Laurent’s brain. Here we really get to see an in depth interview with Laurent and how he feels about dancing and dancing against his twin Larry.

Parts 2-4 under the hood Continue reading

Sorry Ladies & Gents… I’m Back

I sincerely apologize to those of you who have been following my Les Twins blog, but I had a few things that I need to tend to in the real world. Now… back to business.

There really hasn’t been much going on in LT land since they’ve gone back to Paris other than a workshop, an appearance at the Paris Fashion Week and they were judges at the Battle Starter 2 competition along with coach Abibou “Playmo” Kebe.

A few days after their return to Paris, the twins, along with Criminalz Crew comrades, Speedylegz and Diabloo, conducted a workshop at the Juste Debout School. There was a great turn out for the class and as usual, the guys brought their amazing dance moves and some great music. There are several videos from YouTube and tons of pictures from that day, which I have posted on here.

Les Twins also made an unexpected appearance (unexpected to many of us fans) at Paris’ Fashion Week. The guys were seen at the Jean Paul Gaultier show, sitting front row in all their gorgeous splendor.  As to our unexpected surprise, Laurent has added even more detail to his tat. Larry, on the other hand, has not. I’m starting to think that dear Lau has become addicted to tats as we all figured he would be.